Photography Tag

Takacat boat in Lake Wakatipu in the Southern Alps of New Zealand, Photographed by Adventure Photographer Stefan Haworth

Photographing adventures on Takacat inflatable boat

Through 2023, I’ve had the pleasure of collaborating with Takacat, a NZ based inflatable boat company. Our mission: to capture the spirit of adventure, the essence of innovation, and the boundless beauty of Queenstown‘s waterways through captivating photography, all while embarking on thrilling explorations

Waves and Woods Issue 32, Surf and adventure Magazine. Photographed by Adventure photographer Stefan Haworth

Waves & Woods Magazine issue 32

In the latest issue of Waves and Woods Magazine (Issue 32), I shared the thrilling story 'No Sweat, No sweet' of my South Island adventure. This journey was a fusion of my passions: photography, surfing, and motorcycle adventures. The twelve-page feature includes eleven captivating images that chronicle the entire trip. From resurrecting a vintage motorcycle for a road

Fine art print of backroads in the beetle from Queenstown Photographer Stefan Haworth, NZ. Image captured with Chef Sarah Glover in Tasmania

Now selling fine art prints

After 14 years as a photographer I’m finally selling my imagery as fine art prints. Majority of my photos have gone to clients for commercial use but after numerous requests I’ve set up shop for selling prints online. Going through my large library of photos makes me hugely proud of what has been achieved and what I’m curating

Ben Gully modelling SS22 Finisterre clothing brand while hiking in southern Alps, New Zealand

SS22 with Finisterre

Recently I got in touch by Finisterre for a mini campaign for the their Spring 2022 campaign. It was awesome to bring their first NZ shoot to the brand especially in my home town of Queenstown in the southern alps. The funny part was being the opposite in the southern hemisphere it was still raging summer heat wearing

Jade Barclay walking along the white sands of Lonnoc Beach on Espiritu Santo Island, Vanuatu

Espiritu Santo Island of Vanuatu

My partner jade and I needed to get away and make our first overseas trip since the world shut down, somewhere warm. We had just come out of our winter season in New Zealand and still had snow on the hills, it very much meant our skin hadn’t seen much sun and we were as white as snow.

Bikepacking with Aeroe

Heading into Mavora lakes is one of our favourite destinations to escape. Rather than drive around the mountains from Queenstown we decided we’d take a more direct line as the valleys start just across the lake from our home. A bit more of an Adventure and perfect place to test out the Aeroe bikepacking carrier system.

A1 sequence shot of Redbull FMX athlete Tyler Bereman going huge at the Frew Farm jam. Captured by Sony Ambassador and Photographer Stefan Haworth

Frew Farm Jam with Sony

Frew Farm jam has always been on the calendar for summer. What started as a small bike jam over years led to a huge event drawing in athletes from around the world. Tucked away in the southern kiwi hills, on the Frew family farm lies finely tuned lips amongst the sheep.

Waves breaking at sunrise on Great Barrier Island

Camping on Great Barrier Island

With Jade moving down to Queenstown and last chance with our own set of wheels up north we had to make a last stint of the North. The choice was between northland and Great Barrier. 

There was also the thought of the East Cape as we got to check that area out but as always needed more time.

Jade Barclay in bikini relaxing on the West coast beach in Jackson Bay with Longboard in the foreground, NZ. Photographed by Sony Ambassador Stefan Haworth

Surfing and camping on the West Coast NZ

With a heat wave looming over the south Island of New Zealand it was an easy decision to get to the west coast, over to Jackson Bay. Peanut, my Land Rover had the summer canvas roof on, strapped some boards and the boot packed we set off through the southern alps

Skip James surfing at the Mount Maunganui beach on Verdure Surfboard. Captured by Sony Ambassador and Adventure Photographer Stefan Haworth

East Cape to Nest Fest

Nest Fest was on the agenda. Car was packed, board on the roof, we left the mount for Napier, more so Havelock North to be specific. We decided to leave East Cape for the return leg to be less of a rush. With the raging heat we stopped in Ohope, then swimming in rivers and learning about
