Surfing Tag

Three covers with Waves & woods Magazine, editorial surf magazine.

Three covers with Waves & Woods Magazine

Got three covers of Waves and Woods Magazine in the last year, back to back issues 33 & 34 and Issue 27. Absolutely stoked to get my hands on the magazine and see them in person. Its always so rewarding to see images printed in physical form but to know its going around the world on the cover

Tanna Island with Tourism Vanuatu blue cave. Photographed by adventure and commercial photographer Stefan Haworth

Tanna Island with Tourism Vanuatu

After my success capturing Santo Island, Vanuatu tourism contracted me to photograph Tanna Island, a place with a reputation for its untamed spirit and incredible natural beauty. With Mt. Yasur, the most accessible active volcano in the world, and vibrant tribal communities, Tanna Island promised a journey unlike any other.

Waves and Woods Issue 32, Surf and adventure Magazine. Photographed by Adventure photographer Stefan Haworth

Waves & Woods Magazine issue 32

In the latest issue of Waves and Woods Magazine (Issue 32), I shared the thrilling story 'No Sweat, No sweet' of my South Island adventure. This journey was a fusion of my passions: photography, surfing, and motorcycle adventures. The twelve-page feature includes eleven captivating images that chronicle the entire trip. From resurrecting a vintage motorcycle for a road

Waves breaking at sunrise on Great Barrier Island

Camping on Great Barrier Island

With Jade moving down to Queenstown and last chance with our own set of wheels up north we had to make a last stint of the North. The choice was between northland and Great Barrier. 

There was also the thought of the East Cape as we got to check that area out but as always needed more time.

Jade Barclay in bikini relaxing on the West coast beach in Jackson Bay with Longboard in the foreground, NZ. Photographed by Sony Ambassador Stefan Haworth

Surfing and camping on the West Coast NZ

With a heat wave looming over the south Island of New Zealand it was an easy decision to get to the west coast, over to Jackson Bay. Peanut, my Land Rover had the summer canvas roof on, strapped some boards and the boot packed we set off through the southern alps

Skip James surfing at the Mount Maunganui beach on Verdure Surfboard. Captured by Sony Ambassador and Adventure Photographer Stefan Haworth

East Cape to Nest Fest

Nest Fest was on the agenda. Car was packed, board on the roof, we left the mount for Napier, more so Havelock North to be specific. We decided to leave East Cape for the return leg to be less of a rush. With the raging heat we stopped in Ohope, then swimming in rivers and learning about

Tasmania with Sarah Glover

Recently I travelled to Tasmania to work with an amazing outdoor chef, Sarah Glover. Tasmania has been a place I’ve wanted to go to for some time, I’ve heard a lot about it so I was pretty excited to get over there. I was pretty lucky enough to have Sarah accomodate me and show me around the area.

NZ South Island surf trip

Photography is a huge passion of mine, I made it my career for over 10 years now. I really enjoy taking photographs of beautiful scenics, culture, but my favourite is action sports. Capturing an athlete in my own creative way with the scenics, showing their skill, showing the surroundings, giving the best frame I can. I’ve learnt over

Volkswagen Campervan driving down long dusty road in South Australia with Will and Bear. Captured by Adventure Photographer Stefan Haworth

Long dusty road to South Australia

There’s something about taking the open road, the uncertainty, the badass feeling of evading all problems, the adventure, the risks, just simply getting fresh sights on everything, but most importantly the good times. The open road was what we wanted.
