Recent Work

Jade Barclay walking along the white sands of Lonnoc Beach on Espiritu Santo Island, Vanuatu

Espiritu Santo Island of Vanuatu

My partner jade and I needed to get away and make our first overseas trip since the world shut down, somewhere warm. We had just come out of our winter season in New Zealand and still had snow on the hills, it very much meant our skin hadn’t seen much sun and we were as white as snow.

Bikepacking with Aeroe

Heading into Mavora lakes is one of our favourite destinations to escape. Rather than drive around the mountains from Queenstown we decided we’d take a more direct line as the valleys start just across the lake from our home. A bit more of an Adventure and perfect place to test out the Aeroe bikepacking carrier system.

A1 sequence shot of Redbull FMX athlete Tyler Bereman going huge at the Frew Farm jam. Captured by Sony Ambassador and Photographer Stefan Haworth

Frew Farm Jam with Sony

Frew Farm jam has always been on the calendar for summer. What started as a small bike jam over years led to a huge event drawing in athletes from around the world. Tucked away in the southern kiwi hills, on the Frew family farm lies finely tuned lips amongst the sheep.

Waves breaking at sunrise on Great Barrier Island

Camping on Great Barrier Island

With Jade moving down to Queenstown and last chance with our own set of wheels up north we had to make a last stint of the North. The choice was between northland and Great Barrier. 

There was also the thought of the East Cape as we got to check that area out but as always needed more time.
